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Type of flowmeter

Type of flowmeter, flowmeter is one of the key instruments in industrial production measurement.With the development trend of industrial production, the accuracy and scope of flow measurement are more and more high, and the technology of flow measurement is developing rapidly.In order to integrate into a variety of main USES, the series of instruments of various types of flowmeters have been developed.There are two common classification methods: one is to sort and classify according to the precise measurement principle selected by the flowmeter; the other is to classify according to the construction principle of the flowmeter.

Type of flowmeter

Classification of flowmeters


According to the construction principle of the flow meter, it is divided into:


Volumetric flowmeters, differential pressure flowmeters, float flowmeters, turbine flowmeters, electromagnetic flowmeters, fluid oscillating flowmeters in the vortex flowmeters, mass flowmeters and insert flowmeters, probe flowmeters.


Classification of precise measurement principles


(1) principle of structural mechanics: instruments belonging to this principle include differential pressure type and motor rotor type using Bernoulli's law;The momentum theorem is applied to the impulse formula and the moving tube formula.Using the immediate quality formula of Newton's second law;A target using the angular momentum principle of fluid mechanics;The supercharging formula using the law of angular momentum;Vortex type and vortex street type based on fluid shock principle;Pitot tube type and its capacity type and weir and slot type are used for the total static pressure difference.


(2) thermal principle: the instruments used for this principle include electromagnetic type, differential protection capacitive type, capacitive type, reactive resistance type, etc.


(3) principle of acoustic material: ultrasonic wave can be used for flow measurement.Acoustic material (shockwave), etc.


(4) principle of thermodynamics: using the principle of thermodynamics to accurately measure the total flow, there are heat formula, instant calorific formula, indirect calorific formula, etc.


(5) principle of electronic optics: laser type, optical type and so on are the instruments belonging to this principle.


(6) due to physical principles: magnetic resonance type, nuclear radiation type and so on are the instruments attributed to such principles.


(7) other principles: identification principle (tracer principle, NMR principle), related principles, etc.


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